Correspondances & Carnet - Voyage Immobile

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----- Original Message -----
From: Cathbleue
To: Picabiette
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 5:25 PM
Subject: latitudes and longitudes and scales

---- below Message sent to Peters Map -----


Comme Peters (Bob dans la vraie vie) ne répondait pas, je lui ai re écrit pour le relancer. Et il m'a enfin répondu et tu sais ce qu'il m'a répondu :
"when I first got it (the message ) I forwarded it to the cartographers. I am not qualified to reply."

Lecture on
"Geo-Cultural Visions of the World"

Nous qui croyons que Peters était Peters et non pas Bob. Heureusement que un vrai cartographe était en copie. Il s'appelle Terry in real life.

Et comme lui il doit s'y connaître, je lui ai écrit directement et lui ai présenté clairement le problème qu'il me fallait résoudre pour que votre voyage (à toi et Albert) ne rencontre pas de retard ni de désagrément.

J'ai trouvé aussi quelqu'un qui a l'air très calé. Il s'appelle ... Juergen HEYN sur les Peters maps.
Je vais donc lui écrire.

Ps. j'ai trouvé cette fois un super exercice manuel pour Albert.
Cela me ferait plaisir de le voir fini dès que l'on se verra.


----- Original Message -----
From: Cathbleue
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: Sorry to insist !

Hello Terry,

I suppose you are one of the cartographer mentionned by terry.

So, in order to be precise the question or the problem to solve is :

"On the Trans Siberian Railroad, From Point Est Railroad station kilometer 5717 to the Point Est Railroad station kilometer 5751, that is to say 34 kilometers, it takes 47 minutes exactly, with three intermediate stops with Orongoj, Ubukun and Telman ".

Do you think the Trans Siberian railroad path is reduced with Peter's map ?

And if we succeed to be more precise : Do you think the Trans Siberian railroad path between kilometer 5717 to kilometer 5751 is reduced with Peter's map ?
In which way ?

I hope you have tools (mathematical calculations) to modelize in order to calculate the mentionned distance with the Peter's map.

Do you need latitudes and longitudes of the mentionned places to do it ?

Do you need the scale of the map ?

Or can you give me the way to calculate by my self.

To calculate by myself, I found on internet some links : with mathematical calculations. But I'm not sure how to use it

but I dont' know exactly which mathematical calculations I have to do

And the question for me will then becomes, how long will it take to go from kilometer 5717 to kilometer 5751 (on the map, of course).

Thanks a lot for the help you could give me

Cathbleue - Vitry sur Seine - RER C - Bus n°180

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 3:19 PM
Subject: Fwd: Sorry to insist !

I am not sure I understand your question, but when I first got it I forwarded it to the cartographers.

I am not qualified to reply.

Amherst MA

----- Original Message -----
From: Cathbleue
Cc: Picabiette
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 12:15 AM
Subject: Sorry to insist !


I sent you an email (see below) few days ago.

Perhaps you didn't had time to answer me or you didn't know what to answer to this kind of question.

But, could answer me even if you are not really sure of the answer.

Or at least, just to say hello and where do you leave. In a way you can tell what you want.

Because, it 's a kind of motionless journey where we are asking questions to people around the world.

The english translated web site version with the page where you are involved :

Thanks a lot for any kind of answer.

Cathbleue - Vitry sur seine - RER C - Bus n°180 - France.